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Todor Tose Proeski - Online Memorial Website

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Todor Tose Proeski
Born in Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
26 years
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Ve sakam site!!! - Sve vas volim!!! - I love you all!!! Tose Proeski

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Todor Tose Proeski who was born in Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Krusevo on January 25, 1981 and passed away on October 16, 2007. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Toše Proeski born as Todor Proeski (Тодор Проески) on January 25, 1981 – October 16, 2007) was a gret Macedonian singer, actor, song-writer, great Humanist and an Regional Unicef Ambasador of a Good Will. He was popular, and still is, across the entire Balkan area and further, and he was considered a top and the best Macedonian and Balkan singer. Toše Proeski was known for his trademark quote "Ve sakam site" (I Love You All), with his Angelic and a great voice he concoured everyone, and was called by the BBC as : "Elvis Presley of the Balkans".  He died tragicly in a tragic car accident in Croatia, on a highway near Nova Gradiška on the October the 2007.


Early years

Todor Tose Proeski was born in Prilep, in now Republic of Macedonia, then Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, on the January, 1981, from the father Nikola and mother Domenica. He spend most of his childhood in Krusevo.

After his musical talent was discovered at the age of 12, he was chosen to perform at the popular children's song festival Zlatno Slavejče in Skopje. This was his first public music performance; however, his successful career began in 1996 when he participated in the teenage music festival Melfest in Prilep.

Following this public exposure, he was awarded for his strong vocal capabilities. This led to his rise to fame when he participated in the music festival Makfest in Štip with the song "Pusti Me" ("Let Me Go") in 1997. His fanbase quickly grew and he continued to make use of festivals, such as Skopje Fest and OhridFest, as a platform for promotion and publicity. Proeski collaborated with one of Macedonia’s acclaimed lyricists and composers, Grigor Koprov, to produce some of the greatest hits of his career such as "Usni na Usni" ("Lips on Lips") and "Sonce vo Tvoite Rusi Kosi" ("The Sun in Your Golden Hair"). In 1999, he released his debut album, Nekade vo Nokta (Somewhere in the Night), which contained eleven tracks.

In the summer of the same year, Proeski performed his first solo concert in Skopje.

In 2000, Proeski participated in the Eurovision pre-selection for Macedonia in SkopjeFest. He sang "Solzi Pravat Zlaten Prsten" ("Tears Make a Golden Ring"), which won the televoting from the public but he finished third overall, behind Karolina Gočeva. During that period, he began recording the tracks for his second album, Sinot Božji (The Son of God), which was promoted by the end of June 2000. The album brought some great hits, like "Nemir" ("Restless") (a duet with Karolina Gočeva), "Vo Kosi da ti Spijam" ("Sleeping in Your Hair"), "Izlaži me Ušte Ednaš" ("Lie to Me One More Time"), as well as "Iluzija" ("Illusion") (Grand Prix at the festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk) and "Tajno Moja" ("Secret of Mine"). Two songs are composed by Kire Kostov  (winning second prize at the festival Sunčane Skale, held in Herceg Novi, now Montenegro).


The Serbian production house BK Sound purchased the rights to release Tose Proeski's latest album in the other former Yugoslavian republics, which led to his victory of the Oscar of Popularity in those former republics for the year of 2000, and his sell-out shows in Skopje and Belgrade. Proeski embarked on an Australian tour along with other Macedonian singers in 2001.


After spending his time in recording studios in Athens, Greece, Toše Proeski released his third album "Ako me Pogledneš vo Oči" ("If You Look Into My Eyes") in both Macedonian and Serbian language. After the release, Toše Proeski went on a tour throughout entire Macedonia, doing the intense promotion. He also went to Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Bulgaria for further promotion. Toše Proeski won Beovizija in Belgrade on April 2003, with the "Čija Si" ("To Whom Do You Belong?") , which became a great hit in Serbia, Macedonia and all the other former Yugoslavian republics.


This song was due to represent Serbia and Montenegro in the Eurovision Song Contest 2003., but the EBU stated that too many countries wanted to enter in that year, so some countries would be forced to withdraw. Serbia and Montenegro, who participated as one country at the time, were one of them.



To improve his singing, Toše Proeski took classes in New York from maestro William Riley, who was also coach to famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti. When he returned, Proeski held humanitarian concerts throughout the Republic of Macedonia. He was awarded with the Mother Theresa Humanitarian Award and in 2003 he became a Regional UNICEF Ambassador.

In 2004, MKTV chose Proeski to represent Macedonia at the 2004. Eurovision Song Contest in Instambul, Turkey and in February he performed eight songs, where a jury, televote, and his own opinion chose the song. The song "Angel Si Ti" ("You’re an Angel") was chosen by all three. In April, Toše Proeski released his album "Den Za Nas" ("A Day For Us"), which featured the eight songs from the Eurovision selection in Macedonian.


The Serbian edition "Dan Za Nas" featured only six of the national final songs in serbian language and "Life" in english language.

In May, Tose Proeski finished 14th with the song " Life ", which was the English version of the song "Angel Si Ti”. Prior to the contest, he was popularised by reporters due to his tremendous opera singing ability, at the press conferences that he held.

All eight songs were recorded in English, but only the winning song of the national final "Life" was released. During the TV national final show, after each song was performed, a clip of the song was played in English to show viewers how it would sound if that song won the contest and was performed in English at the Eurovision Song Contest final night.

In 2004 Tose Proeski was named an UNICEF Ambasador of a Good Will, and as a result of that, he recorded the song called "This World", which became the official anthem of the UNICEF. After that, Tose signed a contract with Dallas Records, so that his next album could be released in Croatia and Slovenia.

To establish himself in these countries, Tose recorded the great song, called "Krajnje Vreme” ( "The final time"), with Slovenian singer Anja Rupel.

In 2005, Toše’s fifth album called "Po Tebe" ("I am following You"), serbian "Pratim te"  was released throughout entire ex-Yugoslavia. Po Tebe or Pratim te, is one of the most successful music album in Balcan ever. This album became on the top of all music lists for months in Serbia, Republic of Macedonia,Croatia, Slovenia and Bosna and Hercegovina.

Božilak (Rainbow- Duga), was a compilation of 14 selected traditional Macedonian songs, arranged by Sasa Nikolovski Gjumar, Ilija Pejovski and Soni Petrovski. The artist was backed up by a symphony orchestra on the album.

His last album Igri Bez Granici- serbian "Igra bez granica" ("Game Without Borders") was released all over ex-Yugoslavia in August, 2007.

Apart from songs in Macedonian, Serbian and Croatian language, he also recorded one song in Slovenian language, "Moja" ("Mine") in 2007 , and one in Italian, "Aria" with Italian superstar, Gianna Nannini. List of artist who collaborated with Tose Proeski include Anja Rupel, Antonija Šola, Bora Čorba, Karolina Gočeva, Esma Redžepova, Gianna Nannini, Goca Tržan, Grigor Koprov, Jeff Beck, Tony Cetinski, Željko Joksimović, Biljana Krstic and her traditional music group "Bistrik" and other notable and famous musicians. Prior to his death, he was a student in his final year in the solo singing department of the Music Academy in Skopje.


Tose Proeski also established himself as a songwriter. He wrote several hits for himself including "Ima Li Dan Za Nas" ("Is There A Day For Us"), "Čuješ li" ("Are You Listening"), "Malečka" - "Mala" ("Little One") and "Polsko Cveḱe"- "Poljsko cveće" ("Field Flowers").

In 2004, Tose composed "Muza" ("Muse") for Martin Vučić, the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest representative for the Republic of Macedonia. It became the title track for the young artist's second album. In interviews, Tose Proeski stated that he had written over 100 songs but he was waiting for the right moment to record them as they were still in demo form.

On October 15, Proeski gave his final interview to the Macedonian Television Station for the Kanal 5. He talked about his plans to finish his studies on the Music Academy in Skopje, his future plans, among them to record some opera songs in the future, and his new album, that he prepared.

Tose's last concert was Humanitarian Concert in Skopje, that took place on October 5, 2007, and it was for the Primary Education Project for the USAID. The concert raised tens of thousands of euros for the primary schools in Macedonia. The concert was attended by over 35,000 people and viewed all over the world.


During the early morning of October 16, 2007, at 6:20 a.m., Toše Proeski died in a car accident on the Zagreb-Lipovac highway near Nova Gradiška in Croatia. He was a passenger along with his manager Ljiljana Petrović in a Volkswagen Touareg, driven by his friend Georgij Georgijevski. The Touareg crashed into the back of a truck and then into the median barrier, killing Tose  instantly, crushing the third vertebrae of the neck, although the truck sustained no damage.

Tose Proeski was asleep in the front passenger seat at the time of the crash.Of the other two passengers, only the driver suffered serious injuries (head trauma).

Tose Proeski's body arrived at midnight in Skopje by helicopter of the Macedonian Army and was transported by car to his home town Kruševo. Grieving citizens gathered to pay their last respects at the airport and also in Macedonia Square. The Embassy of the United States of America, the USAID and the Diplomatic mission of the European Union, published official statements on the death of Toše Proeski.

October 17 was pronounced a national day of mourning in Macedonia. The three days following his death were pronounced days of mourning in the City of Kruševo.

After his death, the government of the Republic of Macedonia, gave him the title "Honorable citizen of Macedonia"

State funeral

The government organized an official state funeral for Toše Proeski, which was held on October, 2007 in his home town Kruševo, including military honour ceremonies by the Honor Guard Unit of the Macedonian army, such as a honor guard, a military orchestra and a honorary rifle salute. The funeral, which was broadcast by the national Macedonian Television, was attended by many domestic and foreign delegations, including the President of Macedonia Branko Crvenkovski, the Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, members of the Macedonian Parlament and its President Ljubiša Georgievski and other high-ranking officials, the USA and the EU Ambassadors Gillian Milovanovic and Erwan Fouéré and other diplomats, representatives of the Red Cross, the USAID and other organizations, sport clubs etc. Also, the funeral was attended by many notable musicians from Republic of Macedonia and other countries, including: Željko Joksimović, Ceca Ražnatović, Karolina Gočeva, Kaliopi, Vlado Janevski, Elena Risteska, Martin Vučić, Tijana Dapčević and her sister Tamara Todevska, Aki Rahimovski (the frontman of music group Parni Valjak), Toni Cetinski and many others. The religious service was held by the Macedonian Ortodox Church, led by the Archbishop Stefan of Ohrid, as Toše Proeski was a declared Otrodox Christian.

Numerous websites, blogs and internet forums are filled with the last messages from his fans and friends. A petition is available on-line for Toše Proeski to be remembered by naming educational facilities, like the local Center for Music Education in Bitola, where he had studied to carry his name. Also this petition is to promote an annual humanitarian concert, carrying his name "Toše Proeski" for the poor and disabled and those of desperate need of medical attention. Also, a page for condolences can be found at the Kruševo municipality official website.

An online petition was held for a tribute to be paid to Toše Proeski at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008. It gathered over 13,900 signings however it was not honoured.  Tamara Todevska, singer of the Macedonian Eurovision entry of this year said that their entry was dedicated to a few people including their "Angel Toše Proeski who is up there watching over us".

Tribute concert

On the 5th October 2008, the anniversary of Proeski's last concert before his death a tribute concert was held in Skopje. Over twenty singers from various Balkan countries performed.

A documentary film about the work of Toše Proeski was aired on February 12, 2009 in all cinemas all over ex-Yugoslavian republics.

A Concert is scheldued for the 24.01.2010 a day before Tose's birthday where a new album will be realesead. The concert is in Boris Trajkovski arena.

Immediately after Toše Proeski's death was announced, the citizens of every ex Yugoslavian countries as well as foreigners, and the entire Balkan and the world, started to gather at the main squares of their countries, bringing candles, flowers and messages of condolence in his memory. Also many institutions such as schools, universities, sport clubs and business companies joined the spontaneous commemorative campaign. Like in Macedonia, similar gatherings took place in many other cities around the Balkan and the diaspora. A mourning ceremony was organized also in Sarajevo - Bosna and Hercegovina near Skenderija, where around 2000 people gathered to light candles in memory of Toše Proeski.



(Macedonian language) (1999)

  • Nekade Vo Nokta(Macedonian language) (1999)
  • Sinot Božji (Macedonian language)(2000)
  • Ako Me Pogledneš Vo Oči (Macedonian language version) /Ako Me Pogledaš U Oči (Serbian language version) (2002)
  • Den Za Nas (Macedonian language version) /Dan Za Nas (Serbian language version) (2004)
  • Po tebe (Macedonian language version)/Pratim Te (Serbian language version) (2005)
  • Božilak (Traditional Macedonian folk songs) (2006)
  • Igri bez granici (Macedonian language version) /Igra Bez Granica (Croatian language version) (2007)
  • The Hardest Thing (2009) [post mortem] (English version)
  • Tose i prijatelji (album) (2010) [post mortem][Balkan language version]
  • Filmography

    Singles chart positions

    The song "Čija si" (English: "To Whom Do You Belong") is considered to be Toše's greatest hit. "Čija si" received huge chart success and radio airplay bringing Tose Proeski from star to a great music icon.

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    Tose Proeski
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